Archive Contents

The Archive is a comprehensive collection and a permanent record of material gathered from a wide variety of sources and different types of media, including digital media such as photographs, which goes back to the formation of the Company in 1969 and which is continuously updated (Today's events are Tomorrow's history).

Parts of the Archive need to be maintained for Statutory reasons and in accordance with the Court rules and guidelines.

The Archive database accessible via the website contains the following materials:

• Formal History

The written history of the Company in the early years to 1986 has been written by Past Master Harry Druce and edited by the late Past Master Ian Blythe and Liveryman Doreen Blythe. The task of completing our history up to the present date is currently underway. The history as written includes copies of many original documents which have now been copied so that they can be faithfully reproduced.

• Newsletters and Marketor Magazines.

These documents contain relevant information to the history of the Company from 1969 to the present day.

• Photographs

A comprehensive database of appropriate photographs is being developed which can be accessed over the internet from the Archive website.

• Members Records

Records of all of the Members of the Company and the annual Directory of Members are also available in the Archive database however, due to the personal information contained in them, access to these records is restricted to the secure area of the website in order to comply with the Data Protection Act. Details of Members’ achievements and copies of Obituaries of important Members of the Marketors, such as Past Masters, are also available in the Archive database and the website.

• Event Records

Records of all the Marketors' social events, both major and minor, Company guests, photographs etc are maintained in the Archive along with relevant invitations, menus and seating plans.

• Newsletters and Circulars.

All these documents have been copied electronically and are in the Archive database and accessible via the website.

• Marketors Trust

This aspect of all Livery Companies is considered to be very important by the Guildhall Library and details of the activities of the charity, minutes of meetings, accounts, etc are kept, bound and stored in the Guildhall Library.

• Grant of Arms and Royal Charter

These documents have been copied electronically and are in the Archive database and accessible via the website. In addition special boxes with inserts have been created by the Guildhall Library for the storage of these very important items relating to all the Livery Companies. The Marketors follow other Companies in storing these documents in the Guildhall.

• Awards, Media Coverage, Outreach

Details of Marketors awards, charitable donations, media coverage, the work of the Outreach initiative are also available in the Archive database.